"Seafood is one of the most widely traded commodities in the global food market.
More than a third of the world’s population relies on fish and other seafood as
a primary source of protein in their diet, and an estimated 520 million people
make their livelihoods through fishing or fishing-related activities.
Unfortunately, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing is a major
contributor to overfishing worldwide. These activities pose a threat not only to
fragile marine ecosystems, but also to food security in coastal communities and
regional stability more broadly. The illegal fishing trade has been linked to
organized crime, and human rights violations are common when fishing operations
are conducted without regulatory oversight. NGO FishEye International is a
nonpartisan organization charged with understanding the social, political, and
economic forces that drive the illegal fishing trade. They have spent the past
several years collecting data, which they hope will help them to form a more
comprehensive picture of this evolving threat… but they need your help! In
mid-April, FishEye International plans to make several of their datasets
available to the public, along with a series of questions surrounding illegal
fishing and its broader impacts. They’re asking the Visual Analytics community
to help them make sense of this often-conflicting data, and to make
recommendations for how to proceed."
More Information: https://vast-challenge.github.io/2023/
The presented apps are demonstrators and tools to solve the questions to the
different mini-challenges.
The mini-challenges were solved by bachelor and master student teams of the
University of Konstanz.